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‘I Travelled For An Abortion’: Your stories from across Europe

Have you ever had to travel for an abortion? Whether your journey was between cities, counties, countries or continents – we believe any travel is too far. If you had to travel- you are not alone. In 2024 we heard from over 1000 people who couldn’t access abortion where they live – and those are just the people who contacted us. Many more people travel for this essential healthcare each year.

Abortion Support Network invite you to share your abortion travel story. People are forced to travel for abortion for many reasons, but until it happens to us or someone we know, we don’t hear about it. This can make it an isolating and painful experience. We are inviting you to share your story – in whatever form you would like.

We will collate these stories into an online archive sharing experiences. Everyone’s experience will be different, but by bringing together the voices of those who have travelled for abortions, we can come together in solidarity as a community.

The archive is part of our mission to destigmatise abortion, to create a space for people who have had to travel for abortion care to share and be heard, and to bear witness for those who should have been able to access abortion care at home – but instead were forced to travel.

We’re creating this resource so that people who are forced to travel for abortions know they are not alone. But we also recognise that you don’t owe anybody your abortion story unless you want to share it. We encourage you to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with – and to engage in this project as an act of radical empathy. 

We are pro abortion; any abortion, any time, any reason. You do not need to share your ‘why’ for accessing abortion care unless you want to. If you are accessing support to travel, we will never ask questions of you, because nobody should have to justify their abortion.

You are welcome to share your story in text form or by uploading a voice note, using the form below.

I Travelled For an Abortion

Tell us about your experience of travelling for an abortion. We will use this in our online archive of Abortion Travel Stories – created to deconstruct the stigma around abortions, bear witness to the many barriers we face to abortion access, and give you an opportunity to share you story in a society that encourages silence around stigmatised topics like abortion.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Did you contact ASN for support when you travelled for an abortion?
If yes, would you be happy to provide some feedback on your experience with ASN?
Consent to use your story
By checking the box, you are agreeing to let us use your story to help make up our online archive. All stories will be shared anonymously unless you indicate otherwise.
Can we stay in touch with you?

If you are looking for support to travel for an abortion head to our ‘Get Help’ page

Polish and French translations will be added soon.