BBC Three seeks women to talk about abortion
Following is a message from a producer at BBC Three. While ASN doesn’t usually put these types of messages on our website, we feel the opportunity to see a one hour piece on abortion in Ireland and Northern Ireland air on the BBC is an important opportunity. Please note that if you contact BBC Three using the methods at the end of the message below, ASN will not know about it. If you would like to speak with someone at ASN about what speaking to someone in the media could involve, you are welcome to contact Mara at [email protected] for confidential information and to ask any questions you might have. If you are in the process of obtaining a grant from ASN, agreeing or not agreeing to speak to the media will have NO IMPACT on the funding you receive. Our only criteria for funding is if you have financial need and if we have funding available. Thank you.
Message from the BBC:
Throughout the summer of 2014, BBC Television will be making a one hour documentary for BBC Three looking at the issue of abortion in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. BBC Three is a digital channel providing content to younger audiences (16–34-year-olds)
The BBC want to give you the choice of speaking to the film-makers or getting involved in the programme in some way. Nobody will make this decision on your behalf. It is up to you to contact us if you would like to help us make this documentary. We will be very grateful for any help you can offer.
At first, we would like to speak with as many young women as possible. You could meet one of our team in person or talk on the phone, whatever you feel most comfortable with. Most importantly, we would appreciate the opportunity to take time to hear about your experience; and to find out what is important to you and to earn your trust. Speaking to us doesn’t put you under any obligation to take things any further. All conversations would be very strictly confidential unless you decide otherwise.
We know that an unplanned pregnancy is something that can happen to anyone and that every woman will come to her decision for her own reasons. We hope that this documentary will go some way towards helping the audience understand what it means for women faced with such a decision.
The film will also look at the current Irish legislation and the reasons why there are different laws in Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK – both of which mean that women travel to England or Wales to have legal abortion.
These are important issues and it would be really kind of you if you could help us tell this story.
If you would like to speak with us about the film or ask questions about our work, you can contact us in complete confidence at [email protected] or on + 44 7912583640.