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Rules of the Debate: Choice vs Life “De Cabeza con Andrés Roemer”


Debate on Mexican national tv

Open Democracy: Abortion Without Borders: a bold, feminist reply to Poland’s draconian laws


“It was the most incredible, amazing experience of my life,” … Continued

PRESS RELEASE: You’re pregnant. You need an abortion. What do you do?


What would you do if you were pregnant? If you … Continued

Coming soon: Saoirse’s Story – an interactive story where you make the choices


    A pregnancy test… A lie… A missed connection… … Continued

Lovin Malta: Maltese Women Requesting Help To Get Abortions Grew In The Pandemic, UK Charity Warns


Maltese women asking for help to get abortions surged during … Continued

Guardian: Charities report rise in Maltese requests for abortion pills during lockdown


Overseas charities have reported large increases in requests for abortion … Continued



“In september 2019 vond het eerste grote pro-choiceprotest plaats in … Continued

BBC: Coronavirus: Women denied abortions because of the pandemic


In some European countries, hospitals have stopped performing abortions. In … Continued

Highlights from Moncrieff: The last country in the EU without access to abortion


What is the situation in Malta with regard to abortion … Continued

Independent: Abortions are for everyone – it’s time for fully inclusive services


A conversation on how we think about abortion access and … Continued