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Malta Today: Malta’s medical doctors: No to total ban on abortion


Doctors were questioned about their views on legalisation of abortion … Continued

Olive Press: Gibraltar slammed for ‘archaic’ abortion law by UK body ahead of referendum


Taylor said that forcing women to travel so they can … Continued

Malta Independent: 82 women in Malta contacted UK charity for help with abortion – Voice for Choice


Today  marks exactly one year since the services of Abortion … Continued

Times of Malta: 82 women in Malta contacted UK charity for help with abortion


Those who needed financial help were given a total of … Continued

Malta Today: 82 women contacted Abortion Support Network in 2019


“While we are unhappy that people from Malta need to … Continued

Lovin Malta: 10 Women In Malta Received Funding By A UK Charity For Abortions Over The Past Year


82 women in Malta have reached out to UK-based charity … Continued

Open Democracy: ‘You could die and turn your husband gay’. How I learned to talk women out of legal abortions


The emphasis on delaying women’s decisions in the training I … Continued

The Conversation: One year on, it’s clear that the new Irish abortion services have serious limitations


A system designed by thinking about those least able to … Continued British abortion service is still receiving requests for help


“The most marginalised people don’t have a pathway, and they … Continued

Malta Today: Looking back at 2019 | ‘Women aloud’ on reproductive rights


Malta is the only country in the EU where abortion … Continued