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Metro: Alabama’s abortion laws are not as extreme as Northern Ireland’s


Activists in the UK have pointed out that women in … Continued

Bustle: How To Help Change Northern Ireland’s Abortion Laws, Because UK Citizens Are Still Being Denied This Right


Over the past few days, talk of abortion on social … Continued

Stylist: One year on from Ireland’s abortion referendum, women reflect on how life has changed


It’s now been one year since the Republic of Ireland … Continued

The New Republic: What It’s Like to Live Under an Abortion Ban


The passage of last week’s highly restrictive bill banning almost … Continued

Politico: Abortion debate goes mainstream in Malta


The controversial debate on Malta’s stringent abortion laws has shifted … Continued

Metro: Repealing the 8th Amendment was monumental but vulnerable women still can’t access abortions


Ireland’s new legislation leaves many behind. There is a stigmatising … Continued

Press release: Charities warn that anti-choice groups in Malta are targeting women with “lies and misinformation” to prevent them accessing legal abortion care overseas


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   5 June 2019   Charities warn … Continued European Court of Human Rights to raise NI abortion issue with UK Government


“There are currently several initiatives being taken to improve reproductive … Continued

GBC: No More Shame hosts forum on abortion


The Free Thinker: From Isle of Man with love, on Valentine’s Day


RECENTLY women in Gibraltar and Malta got a Valentine’s Day … Continued