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Malta Today: The right to impart and receive information on abortion…


If abortion is illegal in Malta, aren’t ASN breaking the … Continued

Malta Today: ‘We can debate abortion all we want… but Maltese women are getting on planes’


For Mara Clarke, the founder of women’s charity Abortion Support … Continued

Irish Times: Irish calls to UK abortion lines drop but women still travelling


January was not as busy as usual for Mara Clarke. … Continued

Gibraltar Chronicle: UK abortion charity extends services to Gibraltar and Malta


“ASN and our supporters know that making abortion against the … Continued

GBC: UK based charity providing support for those wishing to have an abortion in countries with restrictive abortion laws extends its services to Gibraltar


The charity believes not being able to afford an abortion … Continued

The Times: Termination charity expands to Malta and Gibraltar


A charity that helped Irish women to travel for abortions … Continued

Malta Today: Abortion charity expands service to women in Malta


These services will alleviate to a great extent the discriminatory … Continued

Times of Malta: Abortion Support Network expands service to Malta


“We have been providing our services to Ireland, Northern Ireland … Continued

Abortion Support Network expands service to Malta and Gibraltar (Press Release)


In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, ASN brings the gift … Continued

Reuters: Concerns over gaps in care as abortion services begin in Ireland


“Any person who can get an abortion in Ireland without … Continued