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“Every time we think we’ve heard the worst story we’ve … Continued

Irish Times:


“Before the glory days we should remember it was the … Continued

Irish Times: London Irish abortion activists seek change in NI ban after Yes result


The London-Irish Abortion Rights Campaign, which has some 2,000 members, … Continued

Time: Why Ireland Is More Likely than Ever Before to Vote to Change Abortion Laws


Mara Clarke, founder of the Abortion Support Network, a charity … Continued

Irish Times: ‘In a perfect world, our phone would never ring’


There are many stories etched in Mara Clarke’s memory. One … Continued

NPR: Activist Network Helps Irish Women Get Access To Abortions


This May, Ireland plans to hold a referendum on whether … Continued

History Workshop: Will it be Repeal or Retain? The Irish Referendum on Abortion


As a veteran of Ireland’s abortion wars, north and south … Continued

NBC: Ireland’s abortion referendum tests its Catholic traditions


Abortion remains such a taboo in Ireland that it’s rare … Continued

Frieze: The Truth Behind the ‘Death’ of the Political Rock Band


London’s Dream Nails produce zines about starting your own feminist … Continued

Daily Telegraph: Why the Isle of Man might be about to overtake the UK on abortion law


“I believe we are setting an example of how abortion … Continued