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Irish Times: Momentum grows among London-Irish abortion activists


“There are so many contacting us because more people know … Continued

Evening Standard: Brexit a ‘real worry’ for women forced to travel abroad for abortions, Irish pro-choice groups say


“We’re continuing to answer calls, provide information and fund abortions … Continued

Northern Ireland FAQ


Updated April 2020 People resident in Northern Ireland can (finally, finally, … Continued Free Scottish abortions for NI women ‘a complete betrayal’


Mara Clarke from the Abortion Support Network, said that the … Continued

IB Times: I travelled from Northern Ireland to have an abortion and was called a murderer


Looking back on it now I’m much less tolerant of … Continued

The Times: Grants for terminations in England


The British government has already said that Northern Irish women … Continued

Huffington Post: The Majority Of Northern Ireland Wants Abortion Law Reform – The Law Must Catch Up


However the fact remains that, however good the system is, … Continued

Huffington Post: Justine Greening’s Announcement On Abortion Funding For Women In Northern Ireland Is A Major Step Forward But It Is Not A Permanent Solution


This is a major step but it is not a … Continued

The Debrief: Women From Northern Ireland Can Now Get Fully Funded Abortions In England


The announcement came shortly after the Government announced their deal … Continued Northern Irish women to access free abortions in England by end of year


Northern Ireland is the only country in the UK where … Continued