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Huck Magazine: Northern Ireland’s repressive abortion laws are a class issue


When women face imprisonment over their right to choose, those … Continued

NBC News: Abortion in Europe: Northern Ireland Conviction Inflames Debate


Remember Donald Trump’s suggestion that women be punished for abortions? … Continued

Guardian: Northern Irish women on abortion: ‘people feel they can’t trust anyone’


A heightened climate of fear has emerged around the topic … Continued

Closer: Why abortions must be made legal in Ireland and Northern Ireland


“I am fully respectful of people who are against abortion, … Continued Northern Ireland abortion law back in the spotlight following suspended jail sentence


The Northern Irish abortion law has been repeatedly condemned by … Continued

Mashable: In Northern Ireland, women still face prison for having an abortion


“It is repulsive that in 2016 in part of the … Continued

Manx Radio: Mara Clarke on Women Today


Abortion Support Network founder on Manx Radio’s Women Today – … Continued

Daily Telegraph: Dear Donald Trump, how dare you tell me I should be punished for my abortion


Abortion can already be punishment enough for women. I don’t … Continued

IOM Today: Abortion funding the topic of presentation


Mara Clarke, director of the Abortion Support Network, has been … Continued

al Jazeera: Women Speak Out About Abortion Laws


“We’ve heard of more than one woman pregnant as a … Continued