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Vice: Getting Around the Back-Alley Abortion with Pills and Apps


“Women with money can have abortions, and women without money … Continued

The Nation: Ireland’s Abortion Law Reveals a Complete Contempt for Women


“Is it the flagrant contempt for women inherent in Irish abortion law that gave the discussion at Too Loud a Silence its edge?”

ASN Feb eNews: We’re loving it


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#TheNextLevel: an update

ASN Jan eNews: A new ASN for the new year


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Irish Times: Dozens of migrant women unable to travel for abortions


“Dozens of migrant women living in Ireland are unable to access abortions abroad as … Continued

The Feminist Library: The Rich get Richer, the Poor have Children


What would you do if the condom broke? If the … Continued

ASN Dec eNews: Tis the Season


ASN November Newsletter: Still punching above our weight


Newsweek: Majority of Irish Voters Want Referendum on Liberalising Abortion Law


“We know many often give addresses of friends or sisters … Continued

ASN October Newsletter: Getting ready for the new year