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The Guardian: Ireland and abortion: the law is failing women


People often ask why I set up Abortion Support Network, an … Continued

Independent: ‘The Irish government is treating women worse than animals’


Mara Clarke, of Abortion Support Network, a charity which raises … Continued

BBC Three seeks women to talk about abortion


Following is a message from a producer at BBC Three. … Continued

ASN June Newsletter: Looking to volunteer?


RH Reality Check: Ireland’s Abortion Laws Continue to Harm Women


The numbers show a reduction in the number of women … Continued

Fewer women travelling from Ireland to get abortions? Look behind the statistics


Abortion Support Network Press Release                                     12 June 2014   … Continued

ASN May 2014 newsletter: Springing into gear!


Highlights from ASN’s Party and AGM, Thanking our fundraisers and funders, Fundraising idea competition, Women we’ve helped, “Vessel” lands in England!

The Conversation: Restricting access to abortions only delays them


“In 2012 a 15-year-old UK citizen found herself unwillingly pregnant. … Continued

BBC Radio Ulster: the Stephen Nolan Show


BBC Radio Ulster: the Stephen Nolan Show The court abortion ruling which puts Northern Irish women at risk


Education for Choice’s Laura Hurley comments on the High Court … Continued