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The Guardian: Barring Northern Irish women from NHS abortions is an atrocious anomaly


“The high court’s verdict is basically two fingers up to … Continued

BBC Radio Ulster: Evening Extra


BBC Radio Ulster: Evening Extra

New Statesman: Northern Irish women denied NHS abortions are the scapegoats of men’s colonial wranglings


“And when Northern Irish women travel, they have to pay. … Continued

Voice of Russia: London High Court bans free abortion for Northern Ireland women


Mara Clarke volunteers for a charity called Abortion Support Network … Continued

Mara Clarke on Victoria Derbyshire’s BBC 5 Live show


“The High Court rules that women from Northern Ireland are … Continued

ASN April 2014 Newsletter


ASN Party and AGM. Our smashing new website. Fabulous fundraising events in May. Women we’ve helped. Big ups to our fabulous fundraisers – and funders! Event in Birmingham.

ASN March 2014 Newsletter


International Women’s Week, running for choice, and do you have a flair for leadership, or even a spare room?

EdinburghEye: Every woman who needs an abortion should get it on the NHS


“I believe private abortion services in the UK shouldn’t be … Continued

ASN February Newsletter


ASN February Newsletter We need to talk about abortion ASN … Continued

Voice of Russia: Sex-selective abortion in the UK – is it happening, and if so, why?


Mara Clarke: “When you are talking about gender selection, you … Continued